Public Notice - Property Valuation Determination


Notice is hereby given that, on January 10, 2023, the City Commission of the City of Warrenton adopted Resolution 2638, determining that the value of certain real property is less than the amount that would require voter approval for sale or other disposition of the property under Chapter XI of the Warrenton City Charter. The property in question is commonly known as the Head Start building, located at 200 SW 3rd St., Warrenton, OR 97146. A legal description of the property is available by contacting the City Recorder as described below.

This notice is provided pursuant to Chapter 3.40 of the Warrenton City Code, which also provides that any elector who disagrees with the Commission’s determination of the value of the property may appeal the determination to the City’s municipal court by filing a notice of appeal with the City Recorder on a form provided by the Recorder within 10 business days after notice has been published on the City’s website, which occurred on January 11, 2023. City Recorder Dawne Shaw can be reached at 503-861-0823 or